Register for Oban Star-Racers 15th anniversary event !

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15 years ago, audiences worldwide discovered Oban Star-Racers for the very first time !

The 15th Anniversary event to be held in Paris will a perfect way to celebrate this anniversary, as well as to discuss this unique series’ past, present and future. A rich program (in French only) awaits those lucky enough to attend, December 4th, from 10AM to 1PM, in the big screening room of the Escurial Theater in Paris France (11, Bd du Port Royal 75013) :

– screening of episodes for the 1st time in 1080p 24 i/s ;

– Q & A with Savin Yeatman-Eiffel ;

– presentation and creative discussion with the audience re: the developement of the series’ sequel ;

– announcement of the Bluray’s Crowdfunding dates and contents ;

– giant live karaoke and other surprises!

Fans who live abroad and / or do not speak French should not dispair however. The event will be recorded and the best moments will most likely find their way as bonuses on the upcoming Bluray as well as online with subtitles.

For those who can attend, the entrance is free but reservation is required HERE.

Mask wearing as well as a valid French or European “pass sanitaire” will be mandatory.